Thursday, May 08, 2008


Massive Update

Sorry to not have updated Zoe's blog for over a year. Can't begin to cover all that time but we'll try a month-by-month approach to bring it all up to speed...

Most recent pics from May 2008 - Zoe's finally getting a bit more used to Max being around, although she does get jealous from time to time (understandibly). She's speaking both English and Italian now and seems to always be singing and running!

Loreto showered Zoe with gifts during her visit, including this pink Easter bonnet that Zoe absolutely loves. Stylish puffer vest was a gift from Norma and Juan. (Zoe is thrilled to be spoiled by all her grandparents!)
She's naturally become quite maternal with her dollies since Max's arrival -- it is a riot to watch her copy Amy exactly in the way she holds Max and sings to him or changes his diaper. So far she hasn't tried to "nurse" her dollies yet...

Happy 2nd B-day!!!! perdon por saludar tarde, pero a pesar de que nos acordamos ayer, no tuve el tiempo de escribirles. Espero que hayan podido celebrar y que Zoe haya tenido un lindo dia. Con mucho carino,
Hernan, Carola, Helenita y Cristobal.
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