Monday, August 28, 2006
Washington D.C.
So sorry we haven't posted anything in's some catch up pics from our trip to the US, starting with our stay at Howard & Rosanna's beautiful home in Chevy Chase, MD (near Washington, DC). Ro spoiled us with her excellent cooking and we had a great time getting to know little Stefano (age 3) -- why didn't we take any pictures of him??? Chalk it up to jet lag I guess? 

While in DC, we visited other friends in the area -- Dante and Tracy, with their two little ones, Andrew and baby Olivia (who is about 3 weeks older than Zoe).

While in DC, we visited other friends in the area -- Dante and Tracy, with their two little ones, Andrew and baby Olivia (who is about 3 weeks older than Zoe).

Here Papa Dante shows his expertise with the ladies!

Papa Steve proudly carrying little Nora, who's also only 5 days older than Zoe!