Monday, August 28, 2006


Washington D.C.

So sorry we haven't posted anything in's some catch up pics from our trip to the US, starting with our stay at Howard & Rosanna's beautiful home in Chevy Chase, MD (near Washington, DC). Ro spoiled us with her excellent cooking and we had a great time getting to know little Stefano (age 3) -- why didn't we take any pictures of him??? Chalk it up to jet lag I guess?

While in DC, we visited other friends in the area -- Dante and Tracy, with their two little ones, Andrew and baby Olivia (who is about 3 weeks older than Zoe).

Here Papa Dante shows his expertise with the ladies!
Tracy with gorgeous Olivia...
Here Zoe and Olivia are obviously thrilled to pose for the camera...
We also visited friends from Cal Poly days -- Steve and Stephanie and their two darling girls, Mercedes and Nora. Zoe was happy to get some cuddles in Steph's expert mommy arms.

Papa Steve proudly carrying little Nora, who's also only 5 days older than Zoe!

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