Thursday, August 31, 2006
More NYC...
Our beautiful and glamorous Aunt Maryellen holding Lucia...

Hand to hand combat?!
New York City!
From DC we drove to NYC to see Amy's cousin Annie, whose daughter Lucia was born about 6 weeks before Zoe. Annie's husband, Alessandro, is originally from Rome -- in fact, his family lives less than 10 minutes away from us. Che piccolo mondo...
Lucia is a doll -- so animated and super friendly (a lot like her momma!)
Cousin-aunt (?) Amy gets a cuddle while Lucia shows us which fingers she likes best...

Zoe loved splashing around in Lucia's bathtub -- check out the Buddha belly!

Monday, August 28, 2006
Washington D.C.
So sorry we haven't posted anything in's some catch up pics from our trip to the US, starting with our stay at Howard & Rosanna's beautiful home in Chevy Chase, MD (near Washington, DC). Ro spoiled us with her excellent cooking and we had a great time getting to know little Stefano (age 3) -- why didn't we take any pictures of him??? Chalk it up to jet lag I guess? 

While in DC, we visited other friends in the area -- Dante and Tracy, with their two little ones, Andrew and baby Olivia (who is about 3 weeks older than Zoe).

While in DC, we visited other friends in the area -- Dante and Tracy, with their two little ones, Andrew and baby Olivia (who is about 3 weeks older than Zoe).

Here Papa Dante shows his expertise with the ladies!

Papa Steve proudly carrying little Nora, who's also only 5 days older than Zoe!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
We were all relieved once the 9-hour flight from Rome to Philadelphia was over. Overall, the flight went pretty smooth. We were assigned bulkhead seats and provided with a bassinet, so Zoe was able to stretch out and sleep. We were seated next to two couples who also had babies - one was a day younger than Zoe. The only tough moment was when we descended and Zoe started crying, most likely due to ear pain. Luckily, one of the couples gave us some drops that took the pain away.
The toughest part of the trip was definitely the 3-hour drive after our flight to visit our friends Howard and Rosanna and their son Stefano in Washington D.C.

Sunday, August 20, 2006
Ferragosto and Bath-time
August 15th is a huge holiday in Italy, "Ferragosto," so we headed for the beach!

Bath time has become a favorite for all of us. Zoe just loves splashing around with Papa.
And of course, she loves to mug for the camera, too...
But most of all, we love to wrap Zoe up in the adorable pink bunny towel Auntie Julie sent!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Naked pushups?
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Yakkin' it up!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Fashion show!
Zoe got a new hand-knit dress from Norma's mom in Mexico -- que linda!