Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Abuela is here!

Abuela Loreto (Grandma to the non-Spanish speakers) is here and Zoe loves cuddling with her.

Meanwhile, Dan insists on getting Zoe excited for the World Cup. Here she seems somewhat interested in the match between her two nationalities -- Italy vs. USA. (Unfortunately, Zoe's third nationality, Chile, didn't make it to the World Cup this year.)

But obviously Zoe prefers just hanging out with her Abuelita!

La abuelita se ve muuuy contenta con su nieta, un beso grande para las dos. Y otro para los papás de Zoe que se ve que están haciéndolo muy bien, Zoe se ve grande y contenta.
Hernán, Caro y Helenita

PD: No a la TV! :)
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