Friday, December 29, 2006
Buon Natale from Roma!
Zoe's first Christmas Eve was spent at our friend Salar's house...

As you can see, Zoe thinks Christmas presents are delicious!
Buon Natale da Roma!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
7 months old!
On Dec. 12, Zoe turned 7 months old. We celebrated with dinner at our local Ethiopian restaurant -- now we all get to eat with our hands!
Even though the winter in Rome has been fairly mild this year, Miss Z still gets suited up in her snow suit for daily outings in the stroller. Does she look like a puffy pink astronaut?
Zoe also had her first train ride this month -- such a Euro-baby...
A week after Zoe passed the 7 month mark, she got her first tooth! The tiny (but sharp) little tooth was quickly followed by another right next to it, so now she's got the 2 little bottom teeth in front and we're hoping teething will take a break for a while (so we can all get some sleep)...
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Stay at home mom
As most of you know, Amy left work permanently to be at home full-time with Miss Zoe.
Although Amy does not miss the daily grind, she does miss all the nice friends she met at IPGRI, especially her boss, Annie Lane, the nicest Aussie you'll ever meet and a truly wonderful boss. Zoe clearly agrees!
Amy and Zoe spend all day together at home and going to yoga, baby exercise class and play groups -- life is good!