Sunday, May 28, 2006


Grandma's here and other pics

Zoe's got much more "alert time" these days...

and is enjoying Grandma's visit

as well as the occasional walk around Roma...

and visits from friends, like Zia Laura.

Making googly faces with Grandma!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Adventurous Day!

We decided to introduce Zoe to the beach today.

It was a bit too windy so it was just a short visit...

Later we took Zoe out in her stroller for the first time...

Mom's movin' so fast she's just a blur!

On a whim we decided to try for a meal at our favorite neighborhood trattoria...success!

Monday, May 22, 2006



Nothing special occurred today though we did figure out she prefers the right breast over the left one. No picture available.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


First Drive

Today we went for our first drive in the car... meet our friends - Alessia, Steve and Phoebe - in the park.

Amy tried on the sling today for the first time.

The midwife also visited our house to take blood (see bandage on foot)...

...and weigh Zoe.

Zoe is now 3.1 kilos - she's already gained .2 kg (almost half a pound)!!

We also bought a nifty new sling.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Video of Zoe


My first visitors

At least while I was awake!

Zia Toni & Rohan

Linda & Massimo


First Walk Outside

Today we went for our first walk - a 45 minute wander through a park near our house.

Sign outside our door "E nata una bimba" (A baby girl was born).

When asked what she thought of the walk, Zoe responded only with a smile.

Friday, May 19, 2006


1 Week Old!

Snoozing with the pink blanket Franca knitted -- grazie tanto!

polkadot cocoon

tough life, eh?

Zoe toes

are my eyebrows gonna look like that someday?

um mom, could you stop posing for the picture and feed me? I'm starving over here!

Super Dad! Papooshka pouch to the rescue!

Our newest favorite pastime -- burping...



Our midwife - Valeria

Valeria and her assistant Lucia, who participated in the birth. Sitting is the pediatrician preparing for an examination of Zoe.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Birth - Timeline

5:00 am - Amy feels something like menstrual cramps but feels otherwise normal and goes back to sleep.

8:00 am - Cleaning lady arrives at our house. Dan leaves for work.

9:00 am - Amy's menstrual cramp feelings come and go but seem to lessen with movement, so she decides to go for a walk.

9:30 am - Amy walks around the neighborhood, stopping for a croissant and to buy a pair of shoes.

10:00 am - Amy returns home after an hour walk. Cleaning lady is still working.

10:30 am - Handyman arrives. Amy helps him measure some windows for mosquito screens. Menstrual cramp feeling is getting slightly stronger but still comes and goes.

12:15 pm - While paying the handyman, Amy feels a sharper, more instense cramp, then a small gush of water. Rushing to the bathroom, she starts to suspect her water has broken.

12:20 pm - Amy calls Dan. No answer on his cell phone. Dan is just starting a nice hour long jog through the hills of Rome.

12:25 pm - Still trying to get rid of the handyman, Amy feels a wave of nausea and runs to the bathroom clutching her cell phone. After vomiting, she calls her midwife, who says she'll be right over.

12:26 pm - Amy tries Dan's cell again - no answer. Handyman, still waiting for Amy to come out of the bathroom, finally gets a clue and leaves.

12:30 pm - One more try to reach Dan but still no answer.

12:45 pm - Midwife and her assistant arrive. Amy is crawling around on all fours in the computer room (strange choice since it is the one room in the house she hates on the rug she also hates)

13:30 pm - Dan finishes jogging and sees 6 missed calls on his cell phone. Immediately calls Amy and is confused why the midwife is answering Amy's phone. Dan is told that labor started and to come home quickly.

13:45 pm - Dan receives a call from the assistant saying that Amy is pushing so he'd better fly home. Dan proceeds to run through five straight red lights -- not uncommon in Italy.

14:00 pm - Dan arrives home and sees Amy on her hands and knees wearing a t-shirt that says on her back, "Beer: it's not just for breakfast anymore". The room is dark and has a very calm atmosphere.

14:20 pm - Doctor arrives and takes a seat in our living room (our midwife was responsible for the birth - the doctor was present in case of emergency).

14:25 pm - A gush of blood spurts out of Amy and no one is sure where it came from. Midwife tries to find the baby's heartbeat but can't.

14:31 pm - The midwife then tells Amy to stand and squat down and push hard during the next contraction.

14:33 pm - And with one big push, Zoe enters the world.


More pics of Zoe!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


A day in the life of Zoe

A day consists of...



quickly followed by eating (picture censored),

more sleeping,

and then a nap with Papa.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Some more pics of our little darling

Friday, May 12, 2006


Zoe Estelle

Zoe Estelle Schiappacasse was born Friday, May 12th at 2:33 in the afternoon (Rome time) at home. She weighed in at 2.9 kilos (6.5 lbs.) and was 49 cm. (19 inches) long. Amy is doing great after a very quick labor.

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